mardi 22 août 2017

My Favorite Place: Utrecht

Since starting college, I have had the chance to travel to some amazing places - Guatemala, the Netherlands, Morocco - and Norman itself has quickly become a second home. Because I have had such excellent experiences in all of them, I am going to write about the place where I just enjoyed my life on my own, whereas in the others my experiences were more shaped by camraderie.

The summer after my freshman year, I spent a month in Utrecht, in the Netherlands, studying Dutch. Utrecht is a lovely city, and in typical Dutch fashion it is filled with canals and designed for biking as a primary means of transportation. One of my first experiences actually speaking Dutch was when I purchased a used bike for myself, which gave me the freedom to explore easily. Although my apartment was on the outskirts of town, I easily could bike past the sheep pastures and into the heart of the city to get to class, buy groceries, or visit a museum.

Domtoren in Utrecht
Dom Tower. Web Source:

aamu museum utrecht
Aboriginal Art Museum in Utrecht. Web Source: Amsterdam Tips
Personal photo of sheep on my bike ride; photo from July 2016.

1 commentaire:

  1. Oh, I remember visiting Utrecht on a day trip and being absolutely enchanted. How great to have really spent some time there! Maybe you will want to do a Dutch project for this class; there is a lovely Dutch fairy tale book online here: Dutch Fairy Tales.

    I am not quite sure why the photo did not show up here, but I see you have a personal photo working just fine in the Introduction, so all is well there in terms of making sure you are ready to use either kind of photo in a blog post.

    And the French navigation makes your blog seem VERY sophisticated. :-)
