lundi 28 août 2017

Feedback Thoughts

I really appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. I find it very helpful in either making sure I am on the right track with my work or if there is something I can improve. In general I think I'm pretty good at receiving and incorporating constructive criticism. However, my own self-criticism is sometimes less useful. For this reason, I decided to read the articles "The Psychology of Comparison and How to Stop" and "Silence the Critical Voices in Your Head." The first I quite agree with. Comparison with others is generally not useful, particularly as it often leads to discontentment or judgement. The second was not what I was expecting, as I assumed the critical voice would be one's own, not others' words in one's head. While the most important factor for the author is whether the internal voice is positive or negative, I am generally more concerned with whether it is true or not. 

Feedback. Web Source: Buzinga

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