lundi 2 octobre 2017

Week 8 Progress

I appreciate having the progress chart to keep track of where I should be at. I am ahead of schedule, both in terms of points and actual assignments, which was my goal all along. Hopefully I will be able to finish a bit early so I have more time at the end of the semester for finals prep. The only challenge about being ahead is that I have to come back and do the project feedback assignment later, but isn't too much of a problem. It also means that I get peer feedback on my project after my allotted time to do revisions, which is more of a problem. I mostly just do the required assignments, but I have done a few extra-credit ones every now and then, in case something comes up down the road and I get behind.

Since my schedule is working well for me and I am getting everything done I need to, I don't think there is really anything I need to change for the second half of the semester. I do need to figure out a way to incorporate more peer feedback in my project. Perhaps instead of just revising the work I did that week I will revise the entire storybook.

Minna Sundberg Linguistic Tree Illustration
(Some) Languages of Eurasia. Web Source: My Modern Met.

Okay, so this image really does not have much to do with this class, but it's just so gorgeous. And perhaps it does relate tangentially - I am also taking a language and culture class, where we've discussed how language and culture are often transmitted together. This class is more about how culture is transmitted, through stories particularly but also through language - since all stories are told in language. The tree shows how even diverse cultures can be related linguistically.

3 commentaires:

  1. I was so happy to see this graphic! I can't remember if I've used that one in the announcements yet this semester or not. I try to use it every semester!
    And listen do you know this one? Another really cool way of trying to graphically represent the world of languages:
    A World of Languages

  2. Hi, Emily! You are the second person I have come across in the first 20 blogs on the blog stream that is working ahead. I ended up doing mostly extra credit tech week, but I may start working ahead like you all as I feel you get more points for assignments that will need to be done eventually anyway. We'll see how that works out for me! Keep up the good work and I'm sure you'll be done before you know it!

  3. Hi Emily! I really like the flow chart you posted! That´s really cool you are working ahead! I have tried to do so as well but I probably far behind you in that case. I have been working deadline to deadline so I applaud you on putting in the time to work ahead!
