mercredi 23 août 2017

Technology; or, this manuscript is not handwritten on velum

Of the list of sites and tools, I have only really used Google Docs, Weebly, and Wordpress previously. Blogger is new to me, but so far has not been difficult. I am pretty excited about the unTextbook and Freebookapalooza - what's not to love about free books? Pinterest is an excellent idea for images for blog posts, and I intend to make use of it. I appreciate the blend of simple, step by step instructions and freedom to explore that this class offers. I am also seriously impressed by the number of pages that Dr. Gibbs has created for us and the amount of time that must have taken. I also appreciate how this course offers practical uses for sites that are often a source of procrastination, like Tumblr or Pinterest or Wikipedia.

Image result for technology
Technology. Web source: The Odyssey Online.

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