lundi 2 octobre 2017

Week 8 Comments and Feedback

In general, the comments I have gotten have either been very positive or express a lot of confusion. I know that I have the tendency to be perhaps overly concise and not lay out things that are clear in my head, but not necessarily to a reader without telepathic abilities. However, I also personally enjoy reading things where not everything is spelled out and the reader has to do some deduction, so perhaps it also a matter of personal preference. I am particularly unsure how to resolve the comments on my project, where I do not want to state everything outright.

I hope that I am leaving productive feedback on people's stories. I have tried to mix positive feedback and specific compliments with some criticism or suggestions for improvement. Sometimes it is difficult to find suggestions though, and I am uncertain whether or not to comment on grammatical mistakes.

I do think that continuing to post on people's introductions helps me to keep getting to know people. I mostly am enjoying getting a sense of people's personalities and interests through their stories, which I hope they are enjoying in regards to mine, though I've gotten fewer comments as the semester has progressed. I think my introduction does give a good sense of what I get excited about - languages, books, and travel.

I think I am pretty much on track with the type of feedback that I am giving. Perhaps it would be more useful to give suggestions about ways to expand the story. I think the feedback on the project is generally more productive than feedback on the stories, though I suppose some people will be revising their stories for a portfolio. I have found it particularly useful in commenting when people put a question for feedback in the author's note, so I think this is something I will try to implement.

Feedback Cat. Web Source: Growth Mindset Memes.

This is a useful reminder for me, not to get too caught up in my emotional attachment to "my" characters and how I've expressed them to accept that I might need to change something so others can enjoy them more too. I do want to learn and get better, and I look forward to getting more feedback on my stories.

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